First meal in Jiangmen city. Apparently this restaurant is very popular with the locals as well as with much that I had to wait for approximately two hours. Was it worth it Well, I am in two minds about this. The food was tasty but it doesn't warrant the long wait. If they could come up with a solution, it'll be worth it. 第一次来江门就在大众点评搜到这家店。好多人推荐所以过来了这里。我的天啊。得排队很久,大约两个小时左右。我们买了点评的双人套餐。套餐里有他们的招牌螃蟹?粥。吃了觉得味道的确不错,不会很新的味道。也有他们的咖啡蛋挞。环境不错。服务也不错但可惜有一道菜一直没上。等到问她们就说没了。之后给了价格不同的凉拌鱼皮。总结,如果不需要排队那么久,可能体验会更好。