山西|壁画中寻得的南禅寺、佛光寺▶️两座唐代木构均位于五台山深山之中。远离城市,免于战乱,屹立不倒。 ▶️寻得源自梁思成于敦煌石窟壁画发现。 ➖Two wooden structures of Tang Dynasty are hidden in mountains in Wutaishan. Be far away from the city so can be held for long and free from wars. ➖Be found by Liangsicheng from mural of Mogao Caves. ?南禅寺 ▶️现存Zui早唐代木构,距今1200余年。 ▶️外观秀丽,形体古朴。 ▶️1999年发生文物Qiang Jie,大殿佛像被开胸挖开,宝物被盗。 ?Nanchan Temple ➖Earliest wooden structure of Tang Dynasty.About 1200 years old. ➖Appearance beautiful of primitive simplicity. ➖Be robbed in 1999. Treasures were stollen from inside of the statues. ?地址:忻州市五台县阳白乡李家庄村 ?交通:自驾,太原约2小时 ?消费:门票10元
?佛光寺 ▶️被誉为“Di Yi国宝”。 ▶️建筑、雕塑、壁画、题记构成“四绝”。 ▶️传说北魏孝文帝路过见佛光,兴建寺院。 ?Foguang Temple ➖Be called ‘the first national treasure’. ➖Architectures,statues,murals and inscriptions formed the ‘four uni*ue’. ➖Through legend, emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei passed by here and glory appeared. ?地址:忻州市五台县豆村镇Z051东50米 ?交通:自驾,太原约2.5小时 ?消费:门票15元